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A Manifesto Towards Architecture that is Inclusive, Humane and Empowering


There is a need for a paradigm shift in the way we conceptualize architecture and subsequently architecture education. The values embodied within 19th- and 20th-century models of architecture do not completely address the problems of the 21st century and beyond. The value system embodied in architecture education and the profession today needs to be recalibrated to meet the challenges of the future. This manifesto makes 35 statements advocating for architecture that is inclusive, democratic, equitable, humane, compassionate, sustainable, innovative and creative. This manifesto is a call to action (2014).

01. From architecture as buildings only,

        To architecture as designed and built environment.


02. From architect as singular author,

        To architect as multiple authors.


03. From architecture as homogenous voice,

        To architecture as heterogeneous voices.


04. From architect as preeminent project leader and                  professional,

        To architect as collaborator, conduit, facilitator, and             team member.


05. From architecture as isolated profession,

        To architecture as collaboration across disciplines                 and networks.


06. From architecture as singular and specialized                          profession,

        To architecture as diverse, multifaceted and multi-               disciplinary.


07. From architecture as grand gestures,

        To architecture as small and incremental.


08. From architecture as elitist,

        To architecture as populist, participatory and                           democratic.


09. From architecture as designed only by architects,

        To architecture designed by everybody.


10. From architecture for the privileged few,

       To architecture for the common good.


11. From architecture as cool objects,

       To architecture as human-centered design.


12. From architecture as proprietary and specialized                  body of knowledge,

        To architecture as open-sourced and shared body of           knowledge.


13. From architecture as top-down and autocratic,

        To architecture as bottom-up and participatory.


14. From architecture serving only 10% of the                                population,

       To architecture serving 100% of the population.


15. From architecture biased towards white,                                    heterosexual and able-bodied males,

        To architecture for all, regardless of gender, race,                  class, sexuality and abilities.


16. From architecture as wasteful and shortsighted,

        To architecture as sustainable and future-oriented.


17. From architecture as individual expression,

        To architecture as expression of multiple                                     perspectives.

18. From architecture as isolated and autonomous .                     form-making,

         To architecture as a complex system of economic,                  political, socio-cultural and ecological imperatives.


19. From architecture as beautiful, simple, and pristine               object,

         To architecture as polyvalent, messy and complex.


20. From architecture as commodity and object,

         To architecture as process and product.


21. From architecture as produced, sold and consumed,

         To architecture as created, experienced and shared.


22. From architecture as sculptural objects in the                          landscape,

        To architecture as immersive experiences.


23. From architecture as static,

        To architecture as dynamic.


24. From architecture as fixed, immutable, and                                permanent,

        To architecture as agile, adaptive, and ephemeral.


25. From architecture as defiant,

        To architecture as resilient.


26. From architecture as self-referential form-making,

        To architecture as design thinking and problem                       solving.


27. From architecture as blind appropriation,

        To architecture as critical thinking.


28. From architecture as uncritical following of rules,

        To architecture as creative, inspiring and,                                   imaginative.


29. From architecture as artistic expressions only,

        To architecture as entrepreneurial and innovative.


30. From architecture as passive objects,

        To architecture as catalyst of change.


31.  From architecture as apolitical and amoral,

         To architecture for social justice and equity.


32. From architects as passive bystanders,

        To architects as active agents of change.


33. From architecture as apathetic,

        To architecture as empathetic and compassionate.


34. From architecture as firmness, commodity, and                      delight,

        To architecture as empowering, experiential, and                   ennobling.


35. From architecture as oppressive and subjugating,

        To architecture as liberating and emancipatory.

© 2025 by Edson Cabalfin for Talyer Kayumanggi  |  Brown Workshop

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